Friday, September 16, 2011

Facebook: Friend or Foe?'s had such an effect on our culture. In good ways, like connecting with people you would have otherwise lost touch with and for feeling very loved and honored on your birthday and other special occasions. But also in negative ways, such as encouraging "voyeurism" and shallow connections.

We are not designed to maintain hundreds of "friendships" in a meaningful way, so while it's fun to scroll through facebook and see what people are up to, it really doesn't satisfy a deep desire of our hearts for real relationship. It's like if you were sitting on the couch with someone, pouring your heart out, and as you finished, they just looked at you, gave a "thumbs up", and walked away. Well-intentioned I'm sure, but misses the mark relationally.

It makes me wonder, have we become a drive-by society? Are we so busy we only have time for the thumbs-up button, or even less, for just observing/lurking in others' lives? If so, what are we so busy doing??

For the record, I've asked myself these questions too. The answers didn't feel so great. I realized that when I took a look at what I *said* my priorities were, they didn't match up with what I was spending my time doing. For example, I found myself putting off Noelle & Matthew so that I could finish an email. "Hold on guys, Mommy just needs to finish this one thing first." Really?? Could the email not wait until later? And even more, what was the message I was sending to the kids by my actions? All they want is my time and attention- for me to be in the moment with them.

I'm not saying I need to drop everything all the time to cater to my children in a way that teaches them entitlement and unhealthy neediness. I'm saying I came to a realization that caused me to take a good look at what I value in life, and make adjustments in my time accordingly. Not just with the kids, but with my marriage, my family, and my friends.

Put another way, I realized that when I come to the end of my life, I probably won't wish I'd spent more time on Facebook...