Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting Into the Routine

It's back to school time. So long, lazy mornings...hello, alarm clocks and routines. Last school year was challenging, in that I always felt like I was prodding and herding and nagging the kids in the morning and then again in the afternoon when they got home. I'd start with my soft-gentle-sing-songy voice at first, "Time to get up, kids". Then I'd use my Jo-Frost-Supernanny-calm-yet -firm voice, "You need to get up and get ready for school now, or else you'll be late". And finally, I'd resort to my teeth-clenched-while-taking-deep-breaths-so-I-don't -lose it-but-in-actuality-really-losing-it-voice, "GET.UP.NOW!!"

I knew (hoped with all my might) there was a better way, but couldn't come up with any bright ideas on my own.

And then, just at the perfect time (aka- like, the day before yesterday), my friend Brandy posted a blog entry she found that had a free, download-able afternoon routine chart. Here's the link, and a picture of mine I hung in our entry way:

I love that it has pictures and words so that Matthew can follow it on his own too. This same blog also has super-cute morning routine cards, back pack tags, lunch box notes, etc, all for free!

As adorable as the morning routine cards on that site were, I was really hoping to find a sticker chart. After quite a bit of searching, I found this one, pictured below:

Not as cute, but I think it will be more useful and motivating for the kids each morning.

The kids are really excited about their new routine charts. Both of them got up this morning without any fuss, and instead of me bird-dogging them about each step, they went back to their charts to see what they needed to do next. And they loved getting to put stickers on the chart after completing each step. I'm not going to jinx this like I did when years ago I proudly proclaimed my child was sleeping through the night, so let's just say I'm cautiously optimistic this will work long-term...

Oh, and I think this is a great example of how we (as parents) are not designed to do this child-raising stuff on our own. Nor should we feel bad about "borrowing" tips and tricks from other parents. If it helps our kids and our sanity, then why not??

So, thank you Brandy and Living Locurto blog lady for giving me back some of my sanity this school year!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One of Our Traditions...

Matthew just turned five last week, which means it's time for the annual birthday video montage!

I'm so thankful my husband knows his way around video editing software :) He's made yearly videos like this for Noelle & Matthew since they were born. I will treasure them forever!

So, without further ado, here is a 10 minute glance back at the past year of Matthew being four: